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Crypto Profit Taxation

Important Crypto Tax Changes

Crypto Profit Taxation

Cryptocurrency activities are subject to taxation, primarily in two ways: when profits are made from disposing of crypto or when crypto is exchanged for cash or another cryptocurrency. If you reside in the US and have engaged in crypto trading, you may have tax obligations. Notably, taxation only applies when cryptocurrency is sold or exchanged, and not when it is held.

Tax Implications for US Citizens

For US citizens, crypto profits are taxed as capital gains, with the tax rate determined by the holding period of the cryptocurrency. Short-term capital gains (crypto held for one year or less) are taxed at regular income tax rates. Long-term capital gains (crypto held for more than one year) are subject to lower tax rates.

Tax Reporting

It is crucial for individuals with crypto transactions to accurately report their gains and losses on their tax returns. Failure to report crypto activities can result in penalties and additional tax liabilities. Cryptocurrency exchanges typically provide users with tax reporting tools to simplify the process.
